St Cyprian and Justina

You abandoned ungodly darkness, becoming a light of truth; You were illustrious as a pastor; You were glorified in contest: O righteous Father Cyprian together with godly Justina, intercede for us before God the Creator of all!


The Orthodox church "Sts Cyprian and Justina", Milton Keynes, is a parish within the Romanian Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe. Services are in Romanian and English.

Please do not park under any circumstances in front of the Bow Brickhill residents’ houses.
Please use the Church Car Park near the All Saints Church. The other two closest car parks are Longslade Lane Car Park and Sandy Lane Car Park.

Prayer to the Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian (2nd October)

O holy favorite of God, hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and advocate for all who have recourse unto you! Accept this laudation from us, the unworthy. Ask that the Lord God grant unto all of us strength amid our infirmities, consolation amid our griefs, and all things profitable in our life. Lift up to the Lord your mighty supplication, that He protect us from the assaults of sin, that He teach us true repentance, that He deliver us from diabolic captivity and every action of the unclean spirits, and subdue those who oppress us. Be you for us a mighty champion against all enemies, visible and invisible. Grant us patience amid temptations, and at the hour of our death show us your help against those who will interrogate us in the aerial toll-houses: that led by you, we may attain unto the heavenly Jerusalem, and be vouchsafed with all the saints in the kingdom of heaven to glorify and hymn the all-holy name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, unto the ages of ages. Amen.

A prayer to our venerable Father Silouan the Athonite for the peace of the world

O all-wondrous father Silouan, favorite of God! By the grace given thee by God to pray with tears for the whole world — the dead, the living and those yet to come — never cease to make entreaty to the Lord for us who earnestly fall down before thee and with compunction beseech thine intercession. Move thou to prayer, O most blessed one, the earnest Helper of the Christian race, the all-blessed Theotokos and Ever-virgin Mary, who wondrously summoned thee to be a faithful husbandman in her earthly garden, where the chosen of God implore Him to be merciful and long-suffering toward our sins, that He not be mindful of our injustices and iniquities, but that in His ineffable goodness our Lord Jesus Christ may take pity and save us in His great mercy. Yea, O favorite of God, with the all-blessed Mistress of the world, the most holy Abbess of Athos, and the holy ascetics of her earthly portion, ask of the Word, Who is holier than all the saints, that Mount Athos and its God-loving desert-dwellers may be preserved in peace from all misfortunes and the assaults, of the enemy, that, delivered by the angels from evils, and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in faith and brotherly love, until the end of time they may offer up supplications for the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, and may show unto all the path to salvation, that the earthly Church and that of heaven may unceasingly glorify the Creator and Father of lights, illumining and sanctifying the world in the eternal righteousness and goodness of God. For the peoples of the whole world ask, a prosperous and peaceful life, the spirit of humble-mindedness and brotherly love, good morals and salvation, and the spirit of the fear of God, that the hearts of men may not be infected with malice and iniquity, which are able to uproot the love of God in men and cast them into God-opposing enmity and fratricide, but that the name of God may be sanctified in the power of divine love and righteousness on earth and in heaven, that His holy will may be manifest, among men, and that peace and the kingdom of God may reign on earth. Likewise, O favorite of God, for our homeland, beg the peace we desire and the blessing of heaven, that, protected by the almighty veil of the Mother of God, it may be delivered from wrath, famine, plague, earthquake, flood, fire, the sword, foreign invasion, civil war, sudden death, and from all enemies, visible and invisible; and thus, through the power of the life-giving Cross, may be the most sacred dwelling-place of the all-blessed Theotokos until the end of time, and may be established in the superabundant love of God. And for all of us who are sunk in the darkness of sin, who have neither fervent repentance nor the fear of God, and thus immeasurably offend the Lord Who loveth us, O most blessed one, ask of our most compassionate God that He divinely visit and enliven our souls with His omnipotent grace, and that He abolish in our hearts all malice and the pride of life, despondency and negligence. Again we pray that when we are fortified by the grace of the most Holy Spirit and warmed by the love of God, we may be strengthened in love of mankind and our brethren, in humble-mindedness and prayerful crucifixion for one another and for all, and in the righteousness and grace-filled love of God, and may draw nigh unto Him like children: that thus doing His most holy will, we may tread the path of this transitory life unashamed, in all piety and purity, and with all the saints of the heavenly kingdom may be vouchsafed the wedding-banquet of the Lamb. From all those in heaven and on earth be glory, honor and worship unto Him, and His unoriginate Father and His all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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