St Cyprian and Justina

You abandoned ungodly darkness, becoming a light of truth; You were illustrious as a pastor; You were glorified in contest: O righteous Father Cyprian together with godly Justina, intercede for us before God the Creator of all!

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism in the Orthodox Church

The draft booklet of the Pan-Orthodox Episcopal Assembly for Great Britain and Ireland, with regard to the Service of Baptism in the Orthodox Church (here).


Requirements Prior to the Baptism
  • The parents must be active members of the Orthodox Church.
  • The Godparents also must be members of the Orthodox Church. It is their responsibility to guide, teach, and counsel their godchildren in the Orthodox faith.
  • Parents need to approach the parish priest to decide on the day of the baptism for their child.
  • The child should receive a Christian name, a saint's name, who would become his/her patron saint.
  • The parents will bring a copy of the birth certificate to the priest prior to the baptism.
The Godparents need to bring the following items
  • Little cross and chain for the child to be baptised
  • Two white towels
  • A little bottle of olive oil
  • One large candle
  • An ivory soap
  • An icon
  • White outfit for the child

Source: Baptism (


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