St Cyprian and Justina

You abandoned ungodly darkness, becoming a light of truth; You were illustrious as a pastor; You were glorified in contest: O righteous Father Cyprian together with godly Justina, intercede for us before God the Creator of all!

Saints Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian and Virginmartyr Justina of Nicomedia

The life of Saints Cyprian and Justina

Akathist Hymn to the Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian

Troparion and Kontakion of Sts Cyprian and Justina

The patron saints of our parish are Saints Cyprian and Justina. The Romanian Orthodox Chuch celebrate their memory on 2nd October.

The life of Saints Cyprian and Justina

In the reign of the pagan emperor Decius (249-251), there lived in the city of Antioch in Asia Minor a famous philosopher and magician whose name was Cyprian. His parents were pagan and when he was still a child, they sent him to study sorcery and demonic wisdom. Cyprian learned all sorts of evil tricks which he was able to perform with the help of demons. God had given him a good mind, but Cyprian used all his knowledge to serve evil.

Returning to Antioch, Cyprian began teaching others how to perform evil tricks. Through his wicked way of life, Cyprian had already placed himself in the jaws of the devil. But the Lord Who, in His great love for mankind, desires that all men be saved, wished also to save Cyprian. And He did this in the following way.

There lived in Antioch at that time a certain maiden named Justina who had chosen Christ as her bridegroom. She served Him with her whole heart, with fervent prayer and a pure life. Seeing her virtuous life, the devil, the hater of mankind, became angry and began to do her harm.

In the same city there lived a young man named Aglaias who was very rich and led a very worldly life of pleasure. Once it happened that he saw Justina as she was going to church and he was struck by her beauty. By evil trickery, the evil one planted in his heart shameful feelings towards the maiden. Aglaias, burning with passion, tried by every means to win the love of Justina and thereby deceive her into falling into sin with him. But Justina firmly resisted for she had already chosen Christ as her bridegroom. Finally, unable to deceive her himself, Aglalas asked Cyprian to help him, promising him much gold and silver if he should succeed.

Cyprian called on one of the evil spirits who proudly said that he should have no trouble in planting the same impure thoughts into the heart of Justina. The next night, when Justina was praying, she noticed that some wicked thoughts had entered her head and she felt as though her body were possessed by a sinful attraction for Aglaias. Recognizing that this was caused by the evil schemes of the devil, she only increased her prayers. This put the demon to shame and he was forced to flee. The inward battle stopped and Justina glorified God and sang a song of victory.

Then Cyprian sent a more powerful demon. But he too was unable to overcome the maiden. Finally the prince of darkness himself, disguised as a woman, came to Justina and tried to deceive her using words of Scripture. But Justina saw that this too was the work of the devil. She protected herself with the sign of the Cross and the wicked one immediately vanished in great shame.

Seeing how powerless even the prince of darkness was against Justina, Cyprian became angry and demanded to know what weapon the maiden used against them. The devil admitted: We cannot behold the sign of the Cross, but flee from it, because it scorches us like fire and banishes us far away.

Having become convinced that nothing could conquer the power of the sign of the cross and the name of Christ, Cyprian came to his senses and said to the devil: "O destroyer and deceiver of all. Now I have discovered your true weakness. Woe is me, for I too have been deceived. Get away from me, you wretched one". Angered by these words, the devil threw himself at Cyprian in order to kill him. But Cyprian protected himself with the sign of the Cross and the devil immediately leaped away from him like an arrow shot from a bow.

Fully realizing his sins, Cyprian went to the Christian bishop and begged him to give him holy baptism. He then gave him all his books of magic to be burned. Seeing his genuine repentance, the bishop baptized him and burned his books in front of all the believing people. Cyprian completely changed his life and began to work not only for his own salvation, but also to help others. Soon he was made a bishop and Justina became the abbess of a convent.

The devil was angry at this betrayal of one of his former servants. He inspired the pagan rulers with the idea that Cyprian and Justina were their enemies because they were leading people away from the pagan gods to the worship of Christ. Many deceived pagans went to the governor and demanded that Cyprian and Justina be put to death. After they had bravely withstood many tortures, these two servants of the true God were beheaded with a sword. The devil had thought to destroy Cyprian and Justina, but instead, they had gained crowns of martyrdom and eternal life wit Christ our God, to Whom be glory and honor forever. Amen.



Akathist Hymn to the Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian

Whose Memory the Holy Church Celebrates on the 2nd of October

Kontakion 1
O hieromartyr Cyprian, who did leave the service of the devil for the worship of the true God, and was numbered among the saints! Entreat Christ God, that we be delivered from the snares of the evil one, and may vanquish the world, the flesh and the devil, that we may cry unto you:
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Ikos 1
The angelic choirs were amazed at how you did turn from the sorcerous art to divine knowledge, O divinely wise one, and through repentance did find the angelic life of dispassion. And marvelling at your conversion, we cry out to you such things as these:
Rejoice, you who astonish the angels with your conversion;
Rejoice, you who did gladden the choirs of the saints!
Rejoice, you who did manifest wisdom;
Rejoice, you who did receive a crown from Christ!
Rejoice, for by you are the demons driven away;
Rejoice, for by you are all sicknesses healed!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 2
Seeing how from his earliest years Cyprian's ungodly parents committed him to the study of demonic worship, the Lord desired to turn him to Himself, that with the angels and all the saints he might chant: Alleluia!

Ikos 2
Possessed of a mind as yet unsuited for higher understanding, O Cyprian, you did labor diligently, studying the wiles of the devil; but perceiving the weakness of the demons, that they feared Christ, you did turn to the knowledge of the true God. Wherefore, we magnify you:
Rejoice, you who utterly overcame the wiles of the demons;
Rejoice, you who denounced the deception of their worship!
Rejoice, you who did put the evil serpent to shame;
Rejoice, you who has glorified Christians!
Rejoice, you who are a wiser than the wise of the world;
Rejoice, you who had more understanding than any sage!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 3
The power of the Most High enlightened your mind, O blessed Cyprian, when, having failed to bewitch Justina, the demons said to you: "We fear and tremble before the power of the Cross, whereby the virgin Justina drove us away!" And you did say to them: "You fear the Cross, but He Who was crucified on the Cross is mightier than the Cross!" Wherefore, you did go to the temple of the Lord to chant with the faithful: Alleluia!

Ikos 3
His mind illuminated with power from on high, Cyprian approached the priest and requested baptism; but the priest, fearing perfidy, drove him away. Then Cyprian went to the temple of the Lord and, standing at the liturgy, refused to leave the church when the deacon proclaimed: "Catechumens, depart!", but said: "I will not leave the church until I receive baptism!" And we, rejoice that you had come to your senses, chant to you things as these:
Rejoice, you who was illuminated with power from on high;
Rejoice, you who was brought to your senses by the Lord!
Rejoice, you who did perceive the power of the Cross;
Rejoice, you who did drive the demons away from yourself!
Rejoice, you who did set the life aright;
Rejoice, you who did direct your steps to the church!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 4
A storm of thoughts beset Cyprian as to how to obtain baptism. Wherefore, first of all, taking his sorcerous books, he brought them to the center of the city and there made a bonfire of them, chanting to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 4
When the priest heard that you did indeed have the good intention to become a Christian, O most wise one, he baptised you and made you a reader in the church. Wherefore, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, you who vanquished the spirits of evil;
Rejoice, you who burned up the sorcerous books!
Rejoice, you who desired to become a Christian;
Rejoice, you who did receive holy baptism!
Rejoice, you was adorned with struggles and the virtues;
Rejoice, you who was ordained to the priesthood!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 5
Having received the divinely-woven robe of holy baptism, O most lauded Cyprian, you did pray fervently to God for the forgiveness of the sins you had committed before, chanting unto God with all the Christians: Alleluia!

Ikos 5
Seeing the strugles and labors, your fasting, the keeping of the vigils for many nights, your prostrations, penitence, tears and prayers, the priest had ordained you to the diaconate after examining you, O hieromartyr Cyprian. And we, giving thanks to God, praise you:
Rejoice, you who did cry out to God in repentence day and night;
Rejoice, you who did pray for the forgiveness of sins!
Rejoice, you who was an example of correction;
Rejoice, you who did offer the Lord tearful prayers!
Rejoice, you who did indicate the way to salvation;
Rejoice, you who did show ardent love for Christ!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 6
Emulating the virgin Justina as a model of Christian piety, O hieromartyr Cyprian, you did truly show yourself to be a perfect Christian; for, having been baptized, you did abandon ungodly teaching, and in thanksgiving did chant unto God with your mouth and a pure heart: Alleluia!

Ikos 6
The light of divine perfection shone forth in your heart, O divinely wise Cyprian, and you did attain the rank of priest, and later bishop. We entreat you: By your supplications illumine also the hearts of us who fervently pray to you:
Rejoice, you who was ordained to the rank of bishop;
Rejoice, O eagle upborne on high!
Rejoice, city standing on the height of a mountain;
Rejoice, lamp burning before Christ;
Rejoice, tireless intercessor before Christ;
Rejoice, teacher given by God!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 7
Desiring that all be saved, the Lord has given us this advocate, helper and healer against the spirits of wickedness in high places. For by his teaching and words, the divinely eloquent one brought many to repentance and the correction of their sinful lives, teaching all to chant unto God: Alleluia!

Ikos 7
You has been shown to the world as a new and most wise physician, O hieromartyr Cyprian, for the machinations of sorcery cannot withstand your prayer, but the spells of evil men and wicked demons are straightway set at nought and dispelled. And we, seeing the power of God given to you, cry out to you such things as these:
Rejoice, destroyer of sorcerous wiles;
Rejoice, dispeller of fearsome demons!
Rejoice, you before whom the spirits of evil vanish like smoke;
Rejoice, you who give speedy aid to those suffering grievously!
Rejoice, you who delivered from misfortunes and sorrows;
Rejoice, you who turn suffering into joy!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 8
A strange wonder is manifest upon those who have recourse unto you with faith, O hieromartyr Cyprian; for by the grace given to you by God the demons which torment man are driven away, and the sick are healed, cyring out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 8
O all-glorious one who lifted yourself up to God with all your heart, and loved Him with all your soul, you did have the zeal and desire to do His will; and as a good shepherd you did not turn away those weighed down by misfortunes, but intercede before God in prayer, granting us healing and consolation. Wherefore, praising your love for the Lord, we cry out to you thus:
Rejoice, you who did love Christ with all your heart!
Rejoice, you who did acquire all the virtues!
Rejoice, aid for those sick and paralyzed;
Rejoice, consolation amind sorrows and griefs!
Rejoice, repeller of the attacks and temptations launched by the world, the flesh and the devil;
Rejoice, healer of all ailments of soul and body!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 9
The whole army of the angels was glad, seeing you, O father, to be an invisible warrior of the King of heaven, preaching Christ with boldness when you was led with Justina to the place of execution. For, fearful lest she renounce Christ when she see you beheaded, you did say to her: "Let them behead you first." And bowing your heads beneath the sword, you chanted unto God: Alleluia!

Ikos 9
The most eloquent of orators are unable worthily to hymn your sufferings for Christ, for you were not afraid of the cruel threats, but stood before the emperor's tribunal with shining faces, moving all the faithful to say to you such things as these:
Rejoice, unshakable confessors of the Faith of Christ;
Rejoice, bold proclaimers of the all-holy Trinity!
Rejoice, you who laid down your life for Christ;
Rejoice, you who considered the cruel torments as nought!
Rejoice, for your sufferings are glorified by the faithful;
Rejoice, for your names are magnified in the churches of God!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 10
Desiring to save the sould of all under the sway of unclean spirits, you cease never to cry out to the Lord, O divinely eloquent Cyprian; for unto you has been given the grace to pray for us, that, finding mercy and purification, we may chant unto God: Alleluia!

Ikos 10
Be a firm rampart and mighty bulwark for us who flee unto you with fervent faith and love, O hieromartyr Cyprian; for protected against enemies, visible and invincible, we who are delivered by you glorify you thus:
Rejoice, you who did vanquish the spirit of evil by humility;
Rejoice, you who did extinguish the fiery arrows of the enemy by the fire of prayer!
Rejoice, rampart and bulwark against enemies, visible and invisible;
Rejoice, all-glorious adornment of the Orthodox Church!
Rejoice, all-wondrous help for those abandoned by their physicians;
Rejoice, loving consolation and gladness of the sorrowful!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 11
More than others, O hieromartyr Cyprian, you did offer unceassing hymnody to the All-Holy Trinity, Who out of mercy for fallen sinners had been well-pleased to make the unworthy worthy and to number them among the flock of the saints. And, giving thanks to God for His mercy towards us sinners, we say unto Him: Alleluia!

Ikos 11
A radiant lamp in the Church of Christ you were, O divinely wise one, illuminating the souls of the faithful with immaterial light. We beseech you: Enlighten also our hearts, which have been darkened by sins, that we may chant unto you such things as these:
Rejoice, you who was illuminated by the thrice-radiant Light;
Rejoice, you who has been reckoned among the company of the saints!
Rejoice, for you do enlighten the souls of the faithful with immaterial light;
Rejoice, for you guide the lost to the straight path!
Rejoice, for like a lamb you were rescued by the Saviour from the pit of destruction;
Rejoice, you who put the demons to shame and gave joy unto men!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 12
The grace was given to you by God to trample down the power of the enemy and every assault of Satan; for you did vanquish your enemies, and did seal your faith in Christ by the martyric struggle. And standing now before the throne of the King of glory, O most blessed Cyprian, pray that we may be delived from diabolic captivity, and may cry out unto God: Alleluia!

Ikos 12
Hymning your faithfulness to God and your wondrous and all-glorious miracles, we magnify and praise you, O hieromartyr Cyprian; for you has received such grace from God. Wherefore, we entreat you: When the hordes of demons surround our souls at the hour of our death, show us thine aid, that, delivered by you, we may cry out to you thus:
Rejoice, speedy defense against the assailing foe;
Rejoice, deliverance from all manner of tribulations and griefs!
Rejoice, you who did love Christ to the end;
Rejoice, you who did lay down your life for Him!
Rejoice, you who was washed in the blood of the Lamb;
Rejoice, you who has made your abode in the courts of the Lord
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 13
O all-wondrous and all-glorious favorite of God, hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper of all who have recourse unto you! Accept from us, the unworthy, our hymnody of praise. Yes, O holy hierach, we pray you: Heal us of our multifarious ailments, help us against our enemies, visible and invisible, and entreat the Lord to deliver us from torment, that with you we may chant: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! This kontakion is recited thrice.

Ikos 1
The angelic choirs were amazed at how you did turn from the sorcerous art to divine knowledge, O divinely wise one, and through repentance did find the angelic life of dispassion. And marvelling at your conversion, we cry out to you such things as these:
Rejoice, you who astonish the angels with your conversion;
Rejoice, you who did gladden the choirs of the saints!
Rejoice, you who did manifest wisdom;
Rejoice, you who did receive a crown from Christ!
Rejoice, for by you are the demons driven away;
Rejoice, for by you are all sicknesses healed!
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 1
O hieromartyr Cyprian, who did leave the service of the devil for the worship of the true God, and was numbered among the saints! Entreat Christ God, that we be delivered from the snares of the evil one, and may vanquish the world, the flesh and the devil, that we may cry unto you:
Rejoice, O hieromartyr Cyprian, speedy helper and intercessor for our souls!

(Source: Book of Akathists II - Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY, US, 2008)
Note:We repaced the Old English pronouns with the modern English pronouns.



Parts of Holy relics of Sts Cyprian and Justina are being kept in the Orthodox church of 'Sts Cyprian and Justina' in Meniko, Cyprus. The hand of Saint Cyprian is at the church 'Zlatari' in Bucharest. Moreover, parts of their holy relics are found in the 'Sts Cyprian and Justina' chapel from the 'St Basil the Great' Cathedral in Moscow.

Kontakion to Saints Cyprian and Justina (Tone 1)
Thou wast converted from the art of sorcery, O divinely wise one, to the knowledge of God, and wast manifested to the world as a most wise physician, granting healing to those who honour thee, O Cyprian together with Justina. With her, then, entreat the Master, the Lover of mankind, that He may save our souls.

Troparion to Saints Cyprian and Justina (Tone 4)
You abandoned ungodly darkness, becoming a light of truth; You were illustrious as a pastor; You were glorified in contest: O righteous Father Cyprian together with godly Justina, Intercede for us before God the Creator of all!

Troparion to Saint Martyr Cyprian (Tone 4)
By sharing in the ways of the Apostles, you became a successor to their throne. Through the practice of virtue, you found the way to divine contemplation, O inspired one of God; by teaching the word of truth without error, you defended the Faith, even to the shedding of your blood. Hieromartyr Cyprian, entreat Christ God to save our souls.


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